IPv4.Global Blog

Driven by leaders, IPv4.Global is founded in expertise, efficiency, and industry knowledge. From serving on advisory boards, to attending regional meetings, our team is integral to the IP community. Read from our experts first-hand and subscribe to our Medium.

RPKI & ROAs – What You Need to Know and Do

RPKI, the Resource Public Key Infrastructure, is the name applied to the set of services. It is a technology that associates digital certificates with IP addresses and AS Numbers. It helps reduce the impact of accidental misconfiguration. Read more

Use Peering to Lower Network Costs

Networks peer to reduce latency, improve resilience, and manage cost by directly connecting to local networks to shorten the path data takes. Read more

IPv4 Challenges and Solutions

It is common for universities and commercial organizations to merge with others or buy and sell divisions. When changes of these kinds occur, the IP addresses organizations use need to be transferred to the new legal entity, whatever shape it may take. Read more

Understanding AWS’s Elastic IPs

Elastic IP addresses are the unique IPv4 addresses that can be switched among the network interfaces on your AWS instances. They are are permanently reserved for your AWS account. Read more

Understanding Network Abuse

Most networks distinguish between abuse of the network and abuse that is carried out over the network. Abuse of the network degrades its service in some way. Abuse carried out over the network relies on it working properly. Read more

The Global Flow of IPv4 Addresses

Both the volume of IPv4 transfers on a year-by-year basis and the RIRs to and from which they transfer makes for interesting reading. Market trends and RIR policies all play a role. Read more

Assignments, Allocations and Temporary Transfers

The differences among assignment and allocation rules, ownership and temporary transfers are outlined for those considering leasing. Read more

How CFOs Can Unlock Untapped Value: IPv4 Holdings

With the right strategies, CFOs can monetize unused intangible assets and maximize their companies’ corporate value. Read on to learn how. Read more

Geolocation is More Than GeoIP

Today’s internet and associated technologies have a suite of services to help users and others know where someone or something is. Geolocation is useful for users, for network operators, for businesses using the internet, and for governments around the world. Read more

Unallocated Class E IPv4 Addresses

In 1986, protocol developers reserved a big block of addresses for “future addressing modes”. (The designers were aware of their inability to predict the future.) They called this reserved space – sixteen /8 blocks or 268,777,216 addresses – Class E. Read more

IPv4 Address Transfer in Cross-Border M&A

When addresses change hands in a merger or acquisition financial leaders should understand the basics of their valuation and transfer. Read more

Policies Regarding Leasing IPv4 Addresses

As the leasing market is heating up, and following several years of proposals to allow or prohibit IP leasing, here’s the current policy situation in each region. Read more