IPv4.Global Blog

Driven by leaders, IPv4.Global is founded in expertise, efficiency, and industry knowledge. From serving on advisory boards, to attending regional meetings, our team is integral to the IP community. Read from our experts first-hand and subscribe to our Medium.

Privacy on the Internet

The identification of individual users and their interests is based on users’ behavior online. But behavior tracking isn’t the only form of involuntary characterization by outside parties. We announce who we are and what we (probably) care about in many ways. Read more

The Difference 
Between IPv4 and IPv6

IPv4 and IPv6 sound very similar and they were both developed to solve the same problem. But unless you’ve looked closely under the hood, it’s hard to know how they differ. Read more

IPv4 Address Leasing:
Ownership Rights and RIR Policies

Unlike selling IPv4 addresses and relinquishing ownership rights to these addresses, leasing them on the market enables organizations to “lend” these ownership rights to lessees. Read more

The IPv4 Leasing Market

The IPV4 leasing market has been controversial, driving policy discussions at public policy meetings among the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) that administer the IPv4 address records. In part because short term lessees tend to use the addresses in ways that will get them blocked. Read more

Should I Sell or Lease
IPv4 Addresses?

The best reason to lease is that it generates monthly recurring revenue that can be reported as operating income. For an asset with often a $0 cost basis, that’s very appealing. Read more

Diverging Prices
& Buyer Opportunity

The $ per IP address differential between /16s and smaller blocks is likely greater than the integration cost penalty of dealing with multiple small blocks. Read more

Should I Buy or Lease
IPv4 Addresses?

There are multiple options for leasing IPv4 addresses. So, organizations needing IPv4 addresses have to consider whether buying or leasing makes more sense. Read more

Why Are RIR Transfer Fees Inconsistent?

The variations in transfer fees within a single Regional Internet Registry (RIR) can be considerable. Those required by the four transferring RIRs are many and inconsistent. Read more

Legacy IPv4
What Is It and Why Care?

Legacy IPv4 addresses were issued before the development of community governance. The organizations using these addresses did not have to implement the new policies, including return any surplus addresses. Read more

Unused Assets
at UK & Irish Universities

Many UK colleges and universities have untapped, very liquid assets that are currently unused and/or replaceable. This blog clarifies ownership and transfer rights. Read more

What Is Technical Debt and How to Reduce It

In IT, a “technical debt” refers to the cost of a current obligation to change a system after business needs change. Technical debt accumulates when organizations don’t regularly adjust their systems. Read more

What Happened to
IPv5, IPv7, IPv8 and IPv9?

How many versions of the Internet Protocol are possible? For now, 16. But what happened to IPv5, IPv7, IPv8 and IPv9? Read more