IPv4.Global Blog

Driven by leaders, IPv4.Global is founded in expertise, efficiency, and industry knowledge. From serving on advisory boards, to attending regional meetings, our team is integral to the IP community. Read from our experts first-hand and subscribe to our Medium.

Buying and Selling IPv4
Between RIRs

Anyone buying or selling IPv4 address space has a bigger market when they consider an inter-region transfer. These have been exercised enough that there are strong processes in place for them. Read more

IPv4 Address Assets
in Mergers & Acquisitions

IPv4 internet addresses are often involved in mergers and acquisitions without either the buyer or seller taking note of them. Frequently, such addresses are worth seven and eight-figure prices. Read more

RIR Transfer Policies

The four RIRs with both intra- and inter-RIR transfer policies are similar but certainly not identical. In this article, we explain how they work, what their rules are and show how businesses can use them to buy or sell IPv4 addresses. Read more

The Year in Review – 2023

We sold millions of addresses, generating over $262 million in revenue for clients and creating liquidity from otherwise dormant assets. Every sector of the world economy worked with us, both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Read more

A Higher Education Goldmine

Many higher education institutions received their IPv4 address space at a time the space seemed nearly infinite.  Today that IPv4 space can be worth a substantial amount of money. Learn the basics of this asset class and marketplace. Read more

Buying and Selling IPv4 Blocks Between RIRs

Some people might hesitate to involve a second registry in their transfer transaction. But with years of experience, these processes are now mature and efficient. Read more

Network Infrastructure Must be Stable

IP address registries have matured. Once they were central to rapid innovation; now they are foundational infrastructure. Their tools have become better and more reliable because users test them every day. Read more

IPv4 Price Trends & Expectations

Good predictions are good guesses made by experienced market observers. At IPv4.GLOBAL we consider ourselves unusually well exposed to the marketplace and so, well-informed about its works. These are our guesses about the future. Read more

IPv4 & IPv4.Global Basics

IPv4 addresses perform a core service on the internet. Learn about their management, transfer, sale, value, controls. Read more

About Private IP Address Space

There are two types of unique (public) addresses and two types of non-unique (private) addresses. The distinction hinges on the intended use. Read more

The IP Address Audit

Busy IP address infrastructure can result in network chaos and deepen network inefficiencies. The right IPAM tools can improve network visibility, save IP address space, and implement stricter privacy and security control over network traffic. Read more

Public vs. Private IP Addresses

An IP address must be unique on its specific network. But some networks are bigger than others and some public while others are privage. And therein lies the rub. Read more