IPv4 Pricing Data

June 2024 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

June seems to have been a transitional month in the /16 market. There were no sales of /16s to report and we are seeing that market pick up at slightly lower pricing in the low $40s going into July.

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May 2024 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

This is a market in transition. Large blocks (/16 and larger) are available and sales are slow, so flat /16 pricing reflects prior months’ transactions. Demand for smaller blocks is up, so prices are recovering.

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April 2024 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

High demand in April brought prices for small/medium blocks back up to the mid $30s per address. A small volume of /16s traded, slightly below the previous month.

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March 2024 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

Strong interest in small blocks (/20-/24) has kept prices steady. Medium blocks (/17-/19) were slow in March, so sellers set more aggressive pricing. As predicted, we’re seeing /16 prices pull back slightly while /17 price come up a bit, closing the irrational gap between them.

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February 2024 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

Prices for most blocks have stabilized. There is some indication that this is a good time to buy /16 and larger blocks.

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January 2024 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

Prices remained very consistent from December to January, suggesting that the market has found a new equilibrium. There is still a lot of variation—similar blocks may trade for very different prices—but the average has held […]

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December 2023 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

IPv4 addresses in all block sizes traded in tight ranges at the end of the year. While not indicated on the average price chart shown here, 2023 ended with significant increases in volume of addresses […]

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November 2023 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

It appears midsize and small block price declines are slowing and may have leveled off. No /16s were traded on our platform in November. As a result, /16 prices are represented here as unchanged.

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October 2023 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

/16 average prices have held very steady, varying by pennies each month. Prices for small and medium blocks are falling slower than they had been, and appear to be finding a bottom.

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September 2023 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

We have found a floor for IPv4 prices on small blocks. Most medium blocks were consistent with recent trends, but a few outliers show a dip in the chart. Large blocks (/16 and larger) continue […]

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August 2023 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

Large-block prices have remained steady-to-slowly-rising. Medium and small-block prices appear to have stabilized and may be rising, too.

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July 2023 IPv4 Auction Sales Report

Demand for /16s has kept prices even, perhaps marginally higher. Demand for /20 – /17 blocks is up slightly, enough to find a price equilibrium. The volume of small blocks available is high and prices […]

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