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In the meantime, below are a few blog posts related to buying and selling IPv4 addresses. None takes more than a few minutes to read and may give you an introduction to the business, legal, and technical issues surrounding these valuable, overlooked assets.
The Hidden Value of IPv4
The number of IP addresses is limited, creating a demand for addresses worldwide, particularly from the cloud computing industry. This demand has raised the value of IPv4 to levels that the internet’s original developers didn’t predict. Read more
The Best IPv4 Brokers
Selecting an IPv4 marketplace is a challenge, whether it’s an online store, auction site, private service, or some combination of them. Even in a straightforward commodities market, there are lots of variables. Read more
Are IP Addresses Property?
Does their specific use make IP addresses “property?” If “a property right is the exclusive authority to determine how a resource is used,” addresses don’t fit. Though not natural property, they are intangible assets, a subset of which is further known as intellectual property. Read more