IPv4.Global Blog

Driven by leaders, IPv4.Global is founded in expertise, efficiency, and industry knowledge. From serving on advisory boards, to attending regional meetings, our team is integral to the IP community. Read from our experts first-hand and subscribe to our Medium.

Part II:
Buying and Selling IPv4 Addresses

As previously discussed in part one of this series, IPv6 hasn’t quite made the giant splash throughout the enterprise landscape that many expected. Now, don’t get me wrong, IPv6 still plays a major role in the IT space. In the world of telecommunications, IPv6 is a key enabler of next-generation technologies and communication strategies, as carrier networks, ISPs, and mobile networks roll out the new protocol across their networks. Read more

Part I:
Buying & Selling IPv4 Addresses

As we progress further into the digital age, new technologies are the driving forces behind IoT, Big Data, and enterprise cloud computing. The growth in these areas comes principally from massive economies of scale in storage, bandwidth, chipset manufacturing and other inputs. Read more