RFP for StackPath
IPv4 addresses
The deadline for submissions to this RFP has passed and the opportunity is closed.
Description of Assets for Sale
• 182,016 IPv4 internet protocol version 4 numbers (“IP Addresses”) registered at the American Registry of Internet Numbers (“ARIN”) and 7,168 IP Addresses registered at Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (“RIPE”).
• The IP Addresses are in the following block sizes:
RIR | Block Size | # Addresses | # Blocks | Total Addresses |
ARIN | /16 | 65,536 | 1 | 65,536 |
ARIN | /17 | 32,768 | 0 | – |
ARIN | /18 | 16,384 | 3 | 49,152 |
ARIN | /19 | 8,192 | 1 | 8,192 |
ARIN | /20 | 4,096 | 4 | 16,384 |
ARIN | /21 | 2,048 | 8 | 16,384 |
ARIN | /22 | 1,024 | 9 | 9,216 |
ARIN | /23 | 512 | 18 | 9,216 |
ARIN | /24 | 256 | 31 | 7,936 |
RIPE | /20 | 4,096 | 1 | 4,096 |
RIPE | /22 | 1,024 | 3 | 3,072 |
Total189,184 |
Specific block numbers will be provided upon request under NDA.
• The IP Addresses will be delivered at closing free of any routing or use by Seller.
• The IP Addresses can be transferred to buyers in the following regional internet registries (“RIR”):
➢ American Registry for Internet Numbers (“ARIN”)
➢ Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (“RIPE NCC”)
➢ Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (“APNIC”)
• Hilco Streambank will entertain offers for either (a) All of the IPv4 addresses, or (b) portions of the IPv4 addresses.
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Registration is an easy, no-obligation process. Registered users have access to detailed information on each block offered that is not available to the general public.